Board Members

Club Organization - Board Members

The following is the Kai 'Opua's Directors and Officers as of 2025

Executive Board Terms: 2025-2027

President: Kris Hazard2 year term: 2025-2027
1st VP: Mike Atwood2 year term: 2025-2027
2nd VP: Amy Young2 year term: 2025-2027
3rdVP: Palani Greenwell2 year term: 2025-2027
Secretary: Lori Honl2 year term: 2025-2027
Treasurer: Walt Wells2 year term: 2025-2027
Athletic Director: Cheryl Villegas   2 year term: 2025-2027
Head Coach: Mesepa Tanoai
*Executive Board was confirmed by vote at General Membership Meeting held On December 8, 2024  Appointment by President elect, Kris Hazard Voting Directors “pending approval by majority of elected officers.

Board of Directors: *Voting (8)

Race Secretary: Jo Ma
QLR Commissioner:/Sergeant of Arms: Nikki Enos
Director: Kaho’okahi Kanuha
Director: Nick Cranwell
Director: Barbara Prestia
Director: Sue Lalane
Director: Kekaulike Tomich
Director: Leimana Spencer

Advisors: *Non-voting (6)

Kealai and Uncle Joe Salinas
Al Gustavson
Loke Kapela

Reggie Lee

Ellie Vanatta
Caroline Smith